Wildfire Preparedness & Forest Health


How Prepared Are You for Wildfire?

Working with the local fire district and the Department of Natural Resources (DNR), Eastern Klickitat Conservation District (EKCD) is reaching out to educate homeowners about the importance of preparing their homes and properties for the risk of wildfire.

EKCD is a partner in delivering Wildfire Friendly Neighbors, which helps communities come together to reduce wildfire risk. With assistance from this program and other resources, people can take a number of steps to create fire barriers and reduce risk, such as proper landscaping and brush clean up and removal.


  • To help with landscaping, EKCD offers fire-resistant plants during our Annual Plant Sale.
  • As funding allows, EKCD provides free wildfire property assessments in collaboration with the DNR .


Give us a call to learn more: 509-773-5823 x5.


Who We Are

EKCD is your community-based hub of natural resource expertise, funding, and non-regulatory assistance.

Klickitat landscape