Free Workshop for Spanish Speaking Pesticide Users
Taller en español y gratuito para aplicadores de pesticidas Seminario en Línea: Use Pesticidas con Seguridad Si usted usa pesticidas en el ámbito personal o profesional, este
Eastern Klickitat Conservation District (EKCD) is a community-based hub of expertise, funding, information, and other non-regulatory conservation assistance for local landowners and community members.
Taller en español y gratuito para aplicadores de pesticidas Seminario en Línea: Use Pesticidas con Seguridad Si usted usa pesticidas en el ámbito personal o profesional, este
Wildfires are affecting landowners throughout Klickitat County. Your local conservation district is working with local, state and federal legislators and agencies to identify technical and
We partnered with neighboring Central Klickitat Conservation District to purchase and conserve 4,500 contiguous acres of forest and rangeland in the Simcoe Mountain range.