Grants & Funding Assistance

Klickitat landscape

Making Conservation More Affordable for All

As funding allows, Eastern Klickitat Conservation District (EKCD) offers financial assistance to those wanting to take action to conserve natural resources and improve water quality on their property.

EKCD uses grants we receive to help local landowners complete eligible conservation projects and practices. Some examples include:

  • Conservation easements to protect working lands
  • Forest health projects to improve forest condition and increase wildfire resiliency
  • Improve soil health with cover crops, direct seeding,  and reduced tillage
  • Off-site watering coupled with livestock exclusion from springs and streams
  • In-stream habitat enhancement
  • Fish barrier removal
  • New projects ideas as they are brought to us! Give us a call to tell us about your needs, and we’ll search out funding to meet conservation goals.


Contact EKCD to learn more about your options and funding opportunities: 509-773-5823 x5.

Who We Are

EKCD is your community-based hub of natural resource expertise, funding, and non-regulatory assistance.

cattle water