Annual Plant Sale


Buy Native Plants to Enhance Your Landscape

Every year Eastern Klickitat Conservation District (EKCD) and Central Klickitat Conservation District (CKCD) host an Annual Plant Sale for our communities.

We offer a variety of plants to meet your needs, with particular focus on native plants for your garden and landscaping.

plant sale details

  • Plant sale pre-orders typically open in January and will be announced on our website.
  • EKCD does not ship or deliver plants. We set a date and location each spring when customers pick up their plants.
  • Supplies are limited! You may buy plants on the day of the sale, but the best way to guarantee that we’ll have what you need is to pre-order.

Here to Serve Local Landowners

All EKCD services are non-regulatory and designed to meet local needs. We work with you at your request and as a partner.


All plants we sell are marked with the following categories to help you decide what will work best for you and your property:

  • Deer Resistant: Most likely will not be bothered by or browsed upon by deer.
  • Drought Resistant: Can withstand extended periods of low water availability. Remember that all new plantings need extra water for establishment.
  • Fall Color: Produce especially colorful fall foliage.
  • Fire Resistant: Wise choices for homeowners in the wildland interface.
  • Fragrant: Produce a particularly strong and pleasant fragrance.
  • Native: Plants present in North America before European exploration. While not every native occurs naturally in every part of the continent, most of the natives on our list do occur naturally in the northwestern US.
  • Pollinator Friendly: Natural attractants for a variety of pollinators, including butterflies and bees. They are important to the overall health of the native ecosystem.
  • Wildlife Friendly: Wildlife refers not only to deer, but other large game animals, as well as songbirds and game birds. It also includes small mammals and reptiles, which provide food for larger animals and birds of prey.


Visit the EKCD website each January for details about that year’s Plant Sale and to pre-order your plants.

Prairie Smoke